LombardFi: A Reputation-based Liquidity Protocol

Fixed terms. All the coins.

LombardFi is a permissionless public good under the Apache-2.0 licensing framework. It allows borrowers of any kind to request a loan by opening an isolated pool with predefined parameters (Term Sheet).

It aims to be an on-chain over-the-counter (OTC) service that provides a bridge between large institutional players and the general investment public and is governed by the laws of blockchain smart contracts (available in our public repository).

Its genesis product is a lending desk, where participants can enter into peer-to-peer lending/borrowing contracts with predefined terms, including assets borrowed, collateral pledged, loan duration, and rates paid for the debt facility. Ultimately, the product gives DeFi users exposure to the rates available on centralized trading platforms and private capital markets, where well-known borrowers (Nexo, GSR, Wintermute) can leverage their brand and balance sheet positions to get better terms for their debt facilities.

LombardFi has two types of users: Borrowers and Lenders.

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